The Careers programme at All Saints provides students with meaningful steps toward their future career and life after school. We aim to build our students' ambition and confidence to enable them to make informed choices about their future education and employment.
Our weekly PSHE lessons, alongside career-focused tutor time, external visitors, and relationships with the local community, ensure that our students develop holistically. Therefore, they leave us with the employability and study skills needed to be successful in the world of work.
Our Careers Lead is: Ms Houghton
Linked PDFs:
Guidance for Parents and Students
Gatsby Benchmarks
Our Careers Programme is developed from the Gatsby Benchmarks and the Career Development Institutes’ ‘Framework for careers, employability and enterprise education.’ The eight Gatsby Benchmarks are:
A stable careers programme 2.
Learning from careers and labour market information
Addressing the needs of each student
Linking curriculum learning to careers
Encounters with employers and employees
Experiences of workplaces
Encounters with further and higher education
Personal guidance

Provider Access Legislation
The PAL asserts that schools with KS3 and KS4 cohorts must provide at least four encounters with approved providers of apprenticeships and technical education for all their students:
Two encounters for pupils during the ‘first key phase’ (year 8 or 9) that are mandatory for all pupils to attend
Two encounters for pupils during the ‘second key phase’ (year 10 or 11) that are mandatory for all pupils to attend
This legislation is a key mechanism to further help learners understand and take-up, not just apprenticeships, but wider technical education options such as T-Levels and Higher Technical Qualifications.
During Year 9, all students at All Saints will have had at least two encounters with approved providers of apprenticeships and technical education. This will be completed as part of the GCSE options process in the Trinity term. Our aim is to ensure students have considered their long term futures when making their GCSE choices.
During Year 10, all students at All Saints will have had at least two encounters with approved providers of apprenticeships and technical education. In addition, students will take part in a taster day at a local college, which offers technical qualifications.
During Year 11, all students at All Saints will have had at least four encounters with approved providers of apprenticeships and technical education. This will take place during many of their Michaelmas assemblies, as students prepare to apply for post-16 pathways.
Year 9 Options
In Year 9 you will get the chance to select the GCSEs you would like to take. You will get to choose some subjects, but there are some subjects you have to take. These are known as core subjects:
English Language and English Literature
Combined Science or Triple Science (which covers physics, biology and chemistry)
Religious Studies.
You can then pick three GCSE subjects you want to do in the following three areas:
Creative Arts
Modern foreign languages
It can help you to study a range of subject areas at this stage so you can find out more about what you like and have a wider range of study options when you make your next big choices at 16. You will need to get a grade 4 pass in English and maths. If you do not achieve at least grade 4 you will need to retake them while at a further education institution to achieve this grade if you need to.
Year 10 Work Experience
Every student in Year 10 will be offered the opportunity to undertake a one-week Work Experience programme during the Summer Term. Students will be briefed on the Work Experience Week, how to organise their placement and what will be expected from them during their placement.
Year 11 Post-16 Options
For further advice and guidance on your Post-16 options, click here.
Open Events
We aim to regularly update our list of all the upcoming Post-16 provider Open Events. Speak to Mr Wilson for more information.
If you are a Post-16 Provider and would like any other events added to the list please email Assistant Headteacher, Miss Ashleigh Mealy on
Useful Websites
The websites below are for students to access information on careers and employability skills:
An excellent resource for 11-19 year olds to help them explore and plan their careers.
Hosts hundreds of job profiles and blog posts from those with the job roles offering an insightful and realistic view of their career journey.
Information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work.
A Russell Group guide to making informed choices about post-16 Education, including a “5 Point Plan” to aid in clarifying your thoughts.
Hosts engaging videos to inspire students, and a quiz based to help students think about their personality and what type of career they might suit.
A National Citizens Service that is a Government funded programme helps students to develop skills.
Exists to inform and showcase creative careers unknown to many and to explain what skills and qualifications they need to succeed in those careers when they leave school.
A national careers film library, a free careers resource showing hundreds of real people doing real jobs.
A leading organisation in the education sector, it aims to address misconceptions about apprenticeships and promote the benefits.
A national database where employers advertise Apprenticeship and Training opportunities. Here you can search for vacancies, register your profile and apply for an Apprenticeship.
Information for alternatives to university through internships, apprenticeships, work experience for many level.
Year 10 Work Experience
Every student in Year 10 will be offered the opportunity to undertake a one-week Work Experience programme during the Summer Term. Students will be briefed on the Work Experience Week, how to organise their placement and what will be expected from them during their placement.
To prepare students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
Students will:
Experience work first hand
Understand how organisations function
Experience social relationships at work
Appreciate the expectations that employees will have of fellow workers
Assess how they will adapt to working patterns and relationships outside school
Gain the self-confidence needed in an adult world
Develop both skills and knowledge for adult life.
Procedure and Responsibilities
Students will source their own placement. Parental consent will be sought and Form Tutors will be invited to make comments as to the suitability of the choice made. Confirmation of placements will be provided to those that meet the requirements.
During the period of Work Experience, the student is required to complete the log section of the Work Experience booklet. A member of the school staff will endeavour to visit the student during their time on Work Experience. An employer's report is sent to school on the completion of the placement, this can be used to contribute to references to FE institutions.
Instructions: Click the dotted square.
Type in the first career that you think you might be interested in and select from the drop-down list, then add your second and third choice to see the comparison.
Instructions: Take the quiz, by reflecting on a number statements and decide what you love, are not sure about or dislike. The statements are presented within six well established occupational categories (Artistic, Realistic, Investigative, Conventional, Enterprising, and Social), which are then ranked against jobs. Once the quiz is complete a short list of job suggestions that are most likely to be suited to your own particular skills and interests will be provided. Each job can be explored as a description is presented together with information on pay and hours.