Mission Statement
At All Saints Catholic College, Art is an expressive and enriching experience and is treated as a subject with very broad scope. The energetic and fun atmosphere encourages students of all ages to explore their creative capabilities in and out of lessons. We see art not just as a practical subject but also a subject that focusses on the way students view the world around them.
Aims of the Art department
To increase the pupils’ visual awareness of the world around them both natural and man-made
To understand and appreciate art created by artists from a range of cultures
To increase students proficiency in handling and manipulating different materials techniques and processes
To provide a happy, fun and structured environment for our students to learn and explore
To develop independent students, who use their initiative, imagination, personal expression and creativity
To increase students ability to form their own opinions in both verbal and visual forms.
Key Stage 3
Art and Design is compulsory for all students in Years 7, 8 and 9. Across the three years students explore and experiment with a broad range of materials and techniques developing their skills and confidence in Art. The students are assessed on 4 key areas throughout each project: Drawing skills, Research skills, Development through Experimentation and a final outcome. Each projects explores a range artists and movements, 2d and 3d materials and students are encouraged to become more aware of their own strengths and challenges. This creative and reflective learning style prepares students with the independence and initiative required at GCSE level and beyond.
Key Stage 4
At Key Stage 4 Students can choose to study GCSE’s in Art and Design and Photography. The students study the Edexcel specification which requires them to develop a sketchbook and body of work inspired by a theme.
They are assessed under four objectives, listed below:
AO1 - Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigation, informed by contextual and other sources. Demonstrate analytical and critical understanding.
AO2 - Experiment with and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and materials. Review and refine ideas as work develops.
AO3 - Record observations, experiences, ideas and insights in visual and other forms appropriate to intentions. Reflect on progress.
AO4 - Present a personal, coherent and informed response, realising intentions and articulating and explaining connections with the work of others.
Literacy Statement
The Art Department provides opportunities to enhance the writing, reading and oral skills of students through lessons and assessments.
Students who are literate in Art will:
feel confident using subject-specific terminology (key words);
understand key concepts in Art;
explain the outcomes of their learning in writing and in speech;
use descriptive language to evaluate artwork;
analyse and comment on how ideas and meanings are represented in their own and others’ work;
read for information (e.g. websites and books giving background information on artists and art movements);
read for understanding (e.g. artists’ journals, sketchbooks and literature that has stimulated artwork, such as Aboriginal creation myths and their effect on Aboriginal art);
skim to locate information in a text (e.g. to understand what a text is about);
scan to extract relevant information from a text (e.g. to find which artists are mentioned in the text.
Click below to view our Art curriculum for each year group.
If you would like to find out more about the Art curriculum, contact our Head of Creative Technology Ms Vojvodic by emailing