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Board of Governors
The school governors play a key role in the life and running of All Saints Catholic College. Comprehensive information in line with the statutory guidance on the constitution of governing bodies of maintained schools can be read here.
The Board is an elected body drawn from the School’s various stakeholders including parents, staff and the local community. It has important legal powers and has strategic oversight of the school and its activities.
Other roles of the Board are to:
promote high standards of achievement;
act as a ‘critical friend’ to the School;
provide robust monitoring and evaluation of School performance;
oversee all aspects of School governance;
ensure that the School’s finances are managed properly;
offer support and challenge to the Headteacher and staff;
get involved in higher level staffing and building matters.
The Board meets five times a year. Additionally it has two committees which meet at least termly with a focus on: Finance, Premises & Personnel, and Curriculum and Catholic Life. Governors are often delegated to perform specific roles or get involved in School projects with a strategic or organisational dimension, for example major building projects. They are always keen to hear from School stakeholders, and very much enjoy meeting them at the various School events. If you wish to raise a particular matter with the Board you can write to Amanda Sayers, Chairman of the Board of Governors, care of the School, but please remember that the Headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day running of the School.
Current Board
Amanda Sayers - Foundation Governor, Chairman of the Board, Link Governor for Safeguarding and Future Direction of the School
I have been a governor in RBKC since 1999 and a foundation governor at the school since June 2015. I qualified as a barrister in 1984, spent ten years working in the corporate finance department of a Swiss bank (both in the City and in New York) before leaving to bring up my two sons. I am also Chairman of the Board of Governors at Bevington Primary School, a Member of the Schools’ Forum and Chairman of the Chairs’ Forum for RBKC. I belong to the parish of St Francis of Assisi and am a regular participant.
Chris Johnston - Foundation Governor, Vice Chair, Chair of Finance and General Purposes Committee
I have spent twenty-five years working in the financial services industry in the City. Most of these for two different investment banks, and more recently, for a boutique investment manager. I have been a Governor at the school since January 2017. I currently chair the Finance and General Purposes Committee where I use my experience to ensure the School’s finances are managed properly. I belong to the parish of St Francis of Assisi.
Joy Duval Koenig – Foundation Governor, Link Governor for RE and Catholic Life
I joined the board as an Associate Governor in 2016 and transitioned to the role of Foundation Governor in the summer of 2017. My professional journey began with 12 years in the advertising industry before pivoting to the field of education. Currently, I serve as president of United World College France. My previous roles include head of admissions at international schools and education consultant, assisting expatriate families in identifying the best educational environments for their children. Additionally, I am a certified parent educator in Positive Discipline, a methodology focused on fostering essential social and life skills through respectful and encouraging interactions with children and adults. As a practising Catholic, I hold a strong interest in interfaith dialogue, reflecting my commitment to fostering understanding across diverse communities.
Dr Michael Harrington - Foundation Governor.
A summa cum laude graduate, and an alumni of Harvard and the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, I have been a night volunteer at a London homeless shelter, a mentor at an international aid agency, and a former Justice of the Peace. I belong to the parish of Our Lady of Loreto and St Winefride, Kew. At All Saints I sit on the school's Finance & General Purposes Committee and am Link Governor for Effective Procurement and Benchmarking.
Dave Hallbery - Foundation Governor, Chairman Curriculum & Catholic Life Committee, Link Governor for SEND
I joined the All Saints Catholic College Board in September 2015 as an Associate Member, before being made a Foundation Governor in 2022. Previously I worked as a Senior Photographic Research Scientist for Kodak Ltd, and subsequently a career in book publishing. For the following nine years I worked in the SEND Team at St Charles Catholic Primary School. I have a son and a daughter, who both attended Catholic secondary schools. The Curriculum and Catholic Life committee is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the National Curriculum and the school’s academic performance. It also ensures that the school’s Statutory Policies and non-Statutory Policies are accurate, up-to-date and enforced correctly. I am also a Foundation Governor at St Charles and St Mary's Catholic Primary Schools Federation. I enjoy being part of the Board of Governors; making sure that the children have a safe, welcoming, but challenging environment, where each pupil can learn to the best of their abilities and leave the school fully prepared for their future.
Shane O'Driscoll - Foundation Governor, Link Governor for Risk Management
I am a practicing barrister, specialising in taxation and data protection and I work both in Ireland and the UK. I have previously been responsible for legal in Europe of a number of US headquartered technology companies. Before relocating to the UK, I served as the chairperson of the board of management of a catholic school in Ireland. At All Saints, I sit on the school's Finance & General Purposes Committee.
Mike Craven - Foundation Governor
I joined the board in May 2024. Previously I was chair of the board of governors of Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School from for ten years until 2021. I founded and am chair of a strategic public relations company, Lexington, in 1998. I am also chair of the Catholic weekly magazine, The Tablet.
Richard Girvan - Associate Governor
I joined the Stephen Perse Foundation as Principal in August 2020. I was formerly the Surmaster (Head of the Senior School) at St Paul’s School in London, a position I held for eight years. I have worked in education for 17 years as a teacher of mathematics, as pastoral and boarding house tutor, and coach of athletics and rugby. Raised in Belfast, I read Engineering at St Catharine’s College, Cambridge, where I also completed my PGCE while representing the university and my country in rugby league, winning a Blue.I have served as a governor at both King’s House School (a nursery, pre-prep and preparatory school in Richmond-upon-Thames) as well as at All Saints’ Catholic College. I have also been the independent schools’ representative on the Richmond and Kingston Local Safeguarding Children’s Board and a keen supporter of the work of the Integrated Education Fund of Northern Ireland.
Maureen Marlowe - LA Governor
I have been a School Governor in RBKC since 2006. After serving on the Boards of both Bevington and Park Walk Primary Schools, I joined this school's Board in October 2016. I bring 10 years of experience acting as a Link Governor for Child Protection & Safeguarding and for Literacy. I am now retired following a 20-year career on Fleet Street.
Chantelle Doman - Parent Governor
I became a Parent Governor in the summer of 2022. With 22 years of experience in Family Support and Youth Work, I operate in and around the Borough of RBKC. I lead local support groups in RBKC for neurodiverse individuals, including those who are neurodiverse themselves, those raising neurodiverse children, and anyone seeking more information and a sense of community with like-minded people. My sessions provide a safe space to navigate the highs and lows of being neurodiverse, offering peer support, coaching, and mentoring.
Carlos Pinto - Parent Governor
I joined the Board as a parent governor in 2023 and I am a member of the Finance & General Purposes Committee. I have worked in senior roles in investment banking and financial services for more than 30 years, including at Morgan Stanley, Royal Bank of Canada and XMS Capital. I am also a board member of a charity focused on empowering young adults and a patron of several arts organisations. I am a practising Catholic in the parish of St. Mary’s Cadogan Street.
Conor Cunningham - Staff Governor
I am a Maths and Further Maths teacher at All Saints Catholic College, where I also serve as the Director of Teaching and Learning. Additionally, I hold the role of Link Governor for Post-16 Transition.
Associate Members of the Board (with no voting rights)
Ike Offiah - Foundation Governor
I joined the Board in May 2024
Hetty Fletcher - Associate Governor, Link Governor for SFVS
I have worked in the Financial Services Industry for the last 10 years. I have been a Governor at the school for 4 years, having previously been on the board in 2017-18, broken up by a short break of living abroad. I currently sit on the Finance and General Purposes Committee where I use my experience to ensure the School’s finances are managed properly.
Marsha Kutkevitch - Associate Governor, Link Governor for Health and Safety
Most of my career was spent in the investment banking sector, where I started in 2001. I have worked for large investment banks as well as smaller institutions, most recently setting up an advisory firm with my former colleagues. I have been a Governor at All Saints since 2017. I sit on the Finance and General Purposes Committee where I leverage my prior financial experience. Prior to that I was on the Curriculum and Standards committee.
Please contact the clerk to the Governors for further details.

Other Information
Paper copies of all information can be provided, free of charge, on request.
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