Handel's Messiah with the Schola Cantorum
Join us on the evening of Thursday 19th October 2023 to enjoy our very own flagship choir, the Schola Cantorum performs Part I of Handel's Messiah with professional orchestra and solos.
The concert will be commencing at 7pm, more details can be seen on the corresponding flyer.
Admission is £5 per adult and £3 per child.
We look forward to seeing you there.

Open Sessions 2023
You are warmly invited to attend our upcoming Open Sessions.
Please see the dates and times listed below:
Open Evening:
Wednesday 13th September, 6pm - 8pm - Book a slot HERE.
Open Mornings:
Wednesday 20th September - 9am.
Open Afternoons:
Tuesday 19th September - 1:30pm.
Thursday 21st September - 1:30pm.

Parents Day on Thursday 16th September
This event is for parents of students in Y8-10 ONLY.
The purpose of the day is to give parents and students the opportunity to discuss progress with their teachers and for students to gain an insight into what they need to do to improve. Students must attend the session with their parents and are required to wear full school uniform. It is essential that all families attend and we have planned the timings of the day to allow for this.
The timings for each session are listed below:
Session 1: 8.30am – 11.30am
Session 2: 12.30pm – 3.30pm
Session 3: 4.30pm – 7.00pm
We encourage parents and students to arrive towards the beginning of their booked session which will end promptly at 11.30am, 3.30pm or 7.00pm.
Not only will the sessions provide meaningful discussions around your child's progress, but it will provide an opportunity for you to come and see the new building and improvement works throughout the school.
We look forward to meeting you and finally welcoming you back into the school after such a long absence.
If you have any further questions regarding Parents' Day please email info@allsaintscc.org.uk

Open Evening - Wednesday 6th October
Thankyou to everyone who attended our Open Evening. We were delighted to welcome almost 1200 people through our doors. We hope you found the evening informative and enjoyable.
Should you have any questions regarding our admissions process please email admissions@allsaintscc.org.uk

Carol Concert
You are invited to join us for our Carol Concert on Tuesday 6th December 2022.
The concert will take start at 6:00pm at All Saints Church, Notting Hill, Clydesdale Road.
Backed by a team of professional vocalists and supported by a range of readers from our school community, our Schola Cantorum will be performing Christmas Carols at All Saints Notting Hill, Clydesdale Road.
This will be followed by light refreshments in the church following the Carol Concert.
Join us for what promises to be an unforgettable, festive evening.
Tuesday 6th December 2022
All Saints Notting Hill,
Clydesdale Road,
London W11 1JE
Click here to secure your free ticket.

Schola Cantorum and Gloria by Vivaldi
All are welcome to join us on Wednesday 17th May 2023 to experience the musical excellence that is our very own All Saints Schola Cantorum, performing alongside Gloria by Vivaldi and accompanied by the superb Endielienta Baroque Orchestra.
Any information you may need is included in the attached flyer.
Schola Cantorum and Gloria by Vivaldi
All are welcome to join us on Wednesday 17th May 2023 to experience the musical excellence that is our very own All Saints Schola Cantorum, performing alongside Gloria by Vivaldi and accompanied by the superb Endielienta Baroque Orchestra.
Any information you may need is included in the attached flyer.
Schola Cantorum and Gloria by Vivaldi
All are welcome to join us on Wednesday 17th May 2023 to experience the musical excellence that is our very own All Saints Schola Cantorum, performing alongside Gloria by Vivaldi and accompanied by the superb Endielienta Baroque Orchestra.
Any information you may need is included in the attached flyer.

Schola Cantorum and the Maîtrise de Reims
On the evening of Wednesday 15th March 2023, two outstanding choirs from either side of the Channel will come to gather to perform a one-off concert together: The Schola Cantorum of All Saints Catholic College in Notting Hill and the Maîtrise de Reims, the world famous cathedral choir of Reims.
The two choirs will perform pieces together and separately with pieces from Handel, Byrd, Franck and Fauré.
Some of the most beautiful pieces of music will be performed by these choirs totalling 90 young, highly talented choral singers.
Tickets for this concert are free but there will be a retiring collection.
Schola Cantorum and the Maîtrise de Reims
On the evening of Wednesday 15th March 2023, two outstanding choirs from either side of the Channel will come to gather to perform a one-off concert together: The Schola Cantorum of All Saints Catholic College in Notting Hill and the Maîtrise de Reims, the world famous cathedral choir of Reims.
The two choirs will perform pieces together and separately with pieces from Handel, Byrd, Franck and Fauré.
Some of the most beautiful pieces of music will be performed by these choirs totalling 90 young, highly talented choral singers.
Tickets for this concert are free but there will be a retiring collection.
Y7 Parents Welcome Evening - 30th September
At All Saints we recognise that the transition from primary school to secondary school can be daunting for students and parents, and the aim of this evening is to help remove some of those concerns. This promises to be an enjoyable evening, during which parents will have the opportunity to meet with teachers and parents of other Y7 students, in an informal and relaxed setting.
Please follow the attached link to the online form here, letting us know whether you are able to attend, therefore allowing us to plan the catering for the event.
This is a parent only event and children should remain at home.
Please do not hesitate to contact us via email on info@allsaintscc.org.uk with any questions beforehand.
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 30th September.

Curriculum Enhancement Day
This academic year, we will be continuing our Curriculum Enhancement Days for all students across the school to help instil in them a love of learning. The purpose of these days is to give the students a broader learning experience across the curriculum, and to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the concepts and ideas they have studied in the classroom. The first of these days this academic year has already taken place on Friday 10th February.
Parents of students have been notified of our plans via email. Some workshops have been arranged to take place in school and a number of trips will be taking place off the school site. Copies of the emails sent, informing you which activity your child will participate in on that day have been added to the Parent Communications page of our website.
Attached here is a handy guide, informing you of the timings of the day and any additional equipment that your child may need to bring.
If you have any further questions regarding Curricculum Enhancement Day please email Assistant Headteacher, Miss Mealy: a.mealy@allsaintscc.org.uk
Open Evening 2022
Thank you to all those who were able to attend our Open Evening on Thursday 14th September. It was a real pleasure to meet you all and we hope that your son / daughter enjoyed looking around the school and went home excited to join All Saints.
For those who were unable to attend or would like to see more, we will be running Open Sessions for one week only from Tuesday 20th September - Friday 23rd September. You will need to book in order to attend.
Scroll down this page for further information.

Year 7 Parents Evening 2023
Our Year 7 Parents Evening is taking place on Wednesday 11th January 2023. This will be an opportunity to meet with subject teachers and chat about your child's progress. Students are expected to wear full school uniform and attend alongside their parents.
The evening will start at 4.15pm and end promptly at 7pm. We will stagger arrival times in order to limit the time you spend waiting to talk to teachers. There are three arrival times that you can select, beginning at 4.15pm, 5.15pm and 6.15pm.
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 11th January 2023.
You can confirm your attendance by completing this online form.

The Wizard of Oz
All Saints Catholic College proudly presents 'The Wizard of Oz'.
One of the worlds best loved musicals, featuring the iconic original score from the Oscar award winning MGM film including Over The Rainbow, Follow The Yellow Brick Road and We're Off To See The Wizard, this spectacular production will be a magical experience for all the family.
Join Dorothy and Toto on an unforgettable adventure as they are swept over the rainbow to the merry land of Oz.
22nd - 24th February 2023
Tickets ON SALE NOW via Parent Pay SOLD OUT
The Wizard Of Oz
Written by L.Frank Baum
With Music & Lyrics by Harold Arlen & E.Y Harburg
Background Music by Herbert Stothart
Dance & Vocal Arrangements by Peter Howard
Orchestration by Larry Wilcox
Adapted by John Kane for the Royal Shakespeare Company
Based upon the Classic Motion Picture owned by Turner Entertainment Co. and distributed in all media by Warner Bros.
This amateur production of The Wizard Of Oz is presented in arrangement with Concord Theatricals Ltd. on behalf of Tams-Witmark LLC.