Catholic Life
The Catholic ethos is at the heart of our school community and everything that we do at All Saints Catholic College is celebrated with reverence and respect.
Each school day begins with an opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection. Assemblies, staff briefings and staff meetings as well as Religious Education lessons all include an act of worship, reflection or a form of meditation that is led by students and staff.
Our morning worship and whole school Masses reflect the liturgical seasons of the Church and provide us with a valuable opportunity to celebrate as an ecclesial community. We value our links with our local parishes and support our students in their celebration of the sacraments.
Each year group has an opportunity to attend an annual retreat with a specific focus related to the needs of the year group. The retreats provide an invaluable experience for spiritual reflection and personal growth. The invitation to attend individual confession after penitential services is well received by our students who respond with a sincere openness to the celebration of this sacrament of reconciliation.
All Saints is a naturally caring community and provides pastoral support to students and families who are facing difficult and stressful situations such as bereavement, unemployment and poverty to name but a few. As a Catholic community, we take our commitment to the teaching of the Church on Social Justice and Peace as an essential part of all we do. We encourage our students to live out the Gospel values of “Love your neighbour“ through the support of CAFOD , the work of the Missionaries Sisters, as well as the outreach work such as our annual Christmas Dinner for the elderly in our community.
Click here to read the school's 2021 Diocesan Inspection report.

School Prayer
Dear Lord,
Help us today and always, to strengthen our Faith in you.
Guide us in our work, to enable us to become more like you.
Encourage us to look to the examples of our great Saints,
to live our lives in service to others,
in order to fulfil our mission to bring about your Kingdom here on earth.

Our podcast, 'SAINTSCAST' be be found on Spotify. It is created and hosted by our school chaplain, Mr Sunny.
‘SAINTSCAST’ is a platform that works to serve the school community and the wider world; bringing God’s message of saving love to the current generation. Each episode is carefully put together to include discussion and reflection on current affairs and the big issues that affect us all. In addition to a sprinkling of All Saints gossip, interesting interviews with your favourite teachers and fun activities for all the family. “Each of us are called to be the stewards of the mysteries of God,” (1 Cor 4:1) regardless of faith, background and identity What are you waiting for? Grab your speakers, put the kettle on, bring your parents, grandparents, uncles, aunties, cousins, siblings and even your pets and enjoy listening to our latest episodes streaming now on Spotify.

Diocese Of Westminster Education Service
The Diocese of Westminster Education Service believes that Catholic schools and colleges have a significant part to play in the mission of the church. They exist so that that Gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed to future generations. In the words of Cardinal Nichols, "Being Catholic means being open to the whole and being dedicated to the unity of the whole. Being Catholic means finding ways of expressing and deepening that 'universality', that Catholic character, and being ready always to embrace the other. The Education Service supports schools and offers advice and direction on a broad range of educational matters such as Religious Education and the Catholic Life of a school.
The Diocese of Westminster Education Service regularly presents large scale liturgies and services, allowing our whole community to come together in worship, at a time when mass collective worship is not possible. All Saints students are often invited serve both the school and wider community through participating in the worship by offering readings and prayer. You can watch these services on You Tube.
Dei Verbum and Lectio Divina
Dei Verbum
“I have come so that you may have life; life in all its fullness.” John 10:10
Dei Verbum, meaning ‘Word of God’ is a weekly Gospel reflection led by members of the Middle Leadership Team. The aim is to help our students experience life in all its fullness. Each week has its own theme, for example ‘Building Confidence’ or ‘Managing Behaviours’ and students are challenged to reflect on their self, their growth as a person, and their place in the All Saints community.
Lectio Divina
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105
Lectio Divina, meaning ‘Divine Reading’ is a twice termly Gospel reflection led by our Headteacher, Mr O’Neill. Through analysis, interpretation and reflection students are asked to consider what the Gospel means to our school community and challenged as to what they can do in order to best live up to it the messages contained therein.
Both Dei Verbum and Lectio Divina are played to students during morning tutor time and uploaded onto our YouTube channel.