Mission Statement
The Design and Technology department at All Saints Catholic College ignites, inspires, and develops passion and aspiration in our students. The atmosphere encourages and nurtures their inquisitorial nature, demonstrating and developing ways to problem solve through design; innovating and constructing products using new technologies and machinery that is becoming industry standard, not only in the UK but worldwide.
Through the curriculum we aim to provide students with a high quality, engaging foundation into the subject, which excites and develops critical thinking, creative and practical skills.
Aims of the Design Technology Department:
To increase pupils’ knowledge and understanding of Design and Technology
To enable pupils to demonstrate effective and designing and making skills by planning, preparing and constructing using a variety of materials and methods, techniques and equipment.
Pupils will further develop and demonstrate the principles drawing, rendering and product design.
Pupils will deepen and apply their knowledge of the design process.
Pupils will develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to create their own unique final pieces confidently.
Design and Technology is compulsory for all students in Years 7,8 and 9. Within those three years students gain a foundation knowledge in exploring what is design; the processes that take place between the design brief which fulfils a specific purpose, through the research and planning, to designing their own product, refining the design and finally creating a successful outcome.
Students are exposed to a range of skills, techniques, materials and machinery they use and develop competency and confidence in, as they progress through KS3 these skills are re-visited and the level of challenge increases.
All pupils will be expected to use a range of traditional tools and modern machinery.
Throughout Key Stage 3 pupils will use:
3D Printers
Laser Cutter
Sewing Machine
Sublimator printer
Heat press
Pillar Drill
Wood saw
Junior Hacksaws
Engineering metalwork files
Wire Snips
Clay tools
Pupils will be exposed to a range of materials including:
PLA plastic
LED electric circuitry
Fabric - Polyester/ Cotton/ Felt
In Year 7 students explore what is a design brief and specification and how this informs their design process. They create a 3D printed mobile phone holder aimed at being marketed to teenagers, whilst also considering packaging and environmental needs in a modern society. Students learn to construct a fabric bag, the pattern on the fabric is designed by them and transferred onto the fabric before construction.
In Year 8 we design and create a travel board game aimed at teenagers, the counter is 3D printed, while the board is designed on computer, and laser cut. A circuit is then attached to the board to enable a light to switch on when the counter moves across a certain part of the board.
In Year 9 students design and invent a crisp packet, intended to be part of an advertising campaign in a shop window to entice new customers. Students design the name and logo/mascot of the crisp packet and create a 3D printed keyring as a “free gift” to be given with the first purchase. They then create their crisp packet in fabric, which includes an e-textile circuit that causes a light to be activated on the packet.
As Design and Technology was introduced into the curriculum in September 2022 we do not currently have a KS4 class. Our current Y7 will be offered the option to study GCSE Design Technology as part of their KS4 option choices.
Click below to view our Design Technology curriculum for each year group.
If you would like to find out more about the Design Technology curriculum, contact our Head of Creative Technologies Ms Moss by emailing