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Supervised Lateral Flow Testing w/c May 24th

Following identification of new COVID-19 cases in North West London, all secondary schools in Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea have been advised by Public Health England (PHE) to undertake supervised Lateral Flow Tests (LFT) at school. PHE have asked that these tests be carried out in the week beginning May 24th, the details of the days your child will be tested are outlined below:

Year 7: Wednesday 26th May

Year 8: Tuesday 25th May

Year 9: Monday 24th May

Year 10 & 11: Thursday 27th May

The LFTs, or rapid symptom-free tests are the same tests students took upon their return to the classroom in March and will be carried out in the same way. Consent is already in place from previous LFT testing in schools. There is nothing further for you to do.

Attached below is a letter from Public Health England, further detailing the rationale behind testing and the protocols to be followed should your child test positive.

RBKCSupervised LFT testing in Secondary
Download • 527KB

If you have any questions regarding lateral flow testing please do not hesitate to contact us via

Many thanks for your continued support.

All Saints Catholic College

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