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Headteacher's Christmas Message

Dear parents,

As this term draws to a close, we reflect on what has been a remarkable, busy, but hugely successful term. We have opened our new Rome building, held the most successful and best attended Open Evening in the school's history as well as receiving validation from Ofsted that the work of the school is at the highest level. Last week we had a two-day Diocesan Inspection and I look forward to sharing the result of that in the new year. All of these things are milestones for the school, but nothing has brought greater joy than seeing the hard work and happiness of our students across this term as a whole.

As we look ahead to the future, it is clear that we are going to be presented with many more challenges, however, we will face these head on and work in the best interest of your child to ensure that we maintain the highest standards of education. At the end of November, the government informed all secondary schools of the requirement to test all students on return to school. Whilst most secondary schools are staggering this testing over a week, I felt that this was not the best or quickest way to get students back into school and learning. Therefore on Tuesday 4th January we are going to test the whole school across the day. Students will arrive and be tested at an allocated time before returning home. They will also have an online English and Maths lesson on this day. Further details can be found here.

I want to reassure you that should the government decide to opt for another lockdown, we have already planned an online timetable for every student that is ready to be rolled out in the event of this happening.

I'd also like to notify you of a calendar change. As you many know Ofsted were extremely impressed by the school back in October, believing that it may in fact be Outstanding with the promise that they will return some time in the next two years. As a result, and with the agreement of the Governors, I am moving the INSET day scheduled for Monday 11th July to Friday 21st January - this will allow for some planning and preparation time for members of staff. Therefore, students will not be required to attend school on Friday 21st January.

I would finally like to wish you a happy and holy Christmas.

Yours sincerely,

Mr A O'Neill

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