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  • Free School Meal Vouchers

    As you may have seen in the news, the Government has announced an agreement to fund the distribution of supermarket vouchers, purchased by schools for those families eligible for Free School Meals. We have ordered these vouchers from Sainsbury’s and they will be emailed to you from the start of next week. These will be the same format as the vouchers we sent during half term last term. The vouchers have a value of £30 per child, and cover the weeks commencing 4th and 11th January 2021. Separately the Government has also announced the relaunch of the national voucher scheme through Edenred, starting Monday 18th January. These vouchers have a value of £15 per child per week but are exchangeable at all the main national supermarkets. They will be sent out separately by Edenred to the database of parents eligible for free school meals as provided by the school. It is vital that we have the correct email address for you for both vouchers. If you have changed your email address or want to check the address that we hold, or if you have any other queries on the schemes, please email us on and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Both schemes are for parents of children eligible for Free School Meals only. If you are eligible for Free School Meals please look out for the first email from the school next week. God bless, All Saints Catholic College

  • RBKC School Streets

    Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea are currently running an open consultation on whether to trial a School Street Road Closure on St Charles Square, in front of the main school entrance. School Streets temporarily remove motor traffic outside a school by creating timed road closures during school opening and closing times. You can find out more about School Streets here: If the consultation is successful our school will be able start this scheme after February half term, or as soon as we are able to fully re-open to students. If approved, the trial scheme will be reviewed after 6 months, and during the trial anyone can give feedback to the Council on whether they think it is working well or not. We are encouraging parents and carers to fill out the short survey to give your view on the matter. Responses to the survey will not be accepted after Sunday 17 January. You can find out more about the proposal and fill out the survey here

  • Urgent letter from the Headteacher

    Dear parent, I hope that you have had a good Christmas with your family and wishing you a very Happy New Year. I am sure that you have seen the news that the Government has delayed the start of school for all students and that this may have caused unease and concern within your family. I am writing to reassure you that we have a comprehensive plan in place to support your child that goes well beyond that of what the government has proposed. We will offer virtual learning to ALL students from Monday 4th January as per the plan and timetable I sent to you before Christmas. The Government has suggested that online learning should commence from Monday 11th January, however, I prepared staff for this eventuality and want to ensure that your child is able to be back learning and focused on their studies as soon as possible. Therefore all students will commence online learning from Monday 4th January. Students will receive messages in Teams from Ms Marshall and an online timetable is attached at the bottom of this letter. It will also be added to 'Covid-19 and Remote Learning' section of the website over the weekend. Furthermore, your child's Tutor/Head of Year will be in contact with you via the telephone next week to 'check-in' with you to ensure that you and your family are receiving the support that you need from us. Children of key workers or vulnerable students will be afforded on-site provision from Monday 4th January. These students who do attend on site will log in to the online learning that is being offered to all students - this is to ensure that all students receive the same educational provision. If you believe that you are entitled to this provision, please email with your intentions and verification of your status as a key worker. We are currently preparing for mass coronavirus testing within schools, we will write with further details of how this will fully operate next week. I would appreciate your support in this endeavour, in a bid to keep as many students and staff as protected as possible. If you have any other queries regarding this email, please email If you, a close family member, or your child are displaying symptoms of Covid-19 please email And finally today, this very different year comes to an end, and what a year it has been. A year of learning new technical skills for us all as social media, Teams, Zoom and other ways of connecting us have become second nature to many of us. A year of so many ups and downs with Covid-19 taking over our news channels and many of our lives in different ways. However, it has also been a year where we can celebrate all that we have done together. Your support and commitment to our school is something to be celebrated and cherished in so many ways. Thank you for all of your support to our school community over this past year. As we go into 2021, we go in with a hope of a brighter future. What great news that a vaccine has not only been found but now approved to be given to millions to help our country and school return to a better place. I am reminded of the promises of the prophet Jeremiah 30:13 "I will give back your health and heal your wounds" says the Lord. Let us pray that this is the case for all of us this New Year. My prayer for all of us is that we come to know God's gift of peace and strength so that we will experience the promise of Jesus to find "Life in all its fullness". God bless and Happy New Year, Mr A O'Neill Headteacher

  • Christmas Carol Service and Concert

    The corridors of All Saints have been alive with the sound of music this week as students rehearse for an array of end of term spectaculars. Things are a little different this year and we've been unable to invite you into school to be our audience but that doesn't mean you have to miss out. All of our performances have been professionally recorded for you and your family to watch whenever you like, wherever you like. An enormous thank you to all students for taking part, to Ms Wilkinson, Ms Henry and Mr Bick for organising and to Sam Huston of Dorian Productions for the recording. An additional thankyou to all our visiting music teachers for their vital help throughout the term. Particular thanks to Georgina Leach for leading our string orchestra and to Jody Humphries for running our steel pan band. It's time to put your feet up, grab a mince pie, sit back, relax and enjoy. Christmas Carol Service Our Carol Service takes the traditional format of lessons (readings) and carols and is based on the world famous carol service of Kings College, Cambridge. It is filmed in our local parish church, St Pius X and features Christmas messages from Fr Peter and our Headmaster, Mr O'Neill. You'll see and hear students performing alongside a professional brass quintet and listen to all your favourite carols, including Hark The Herald, O Come All Ye Faithful and Silent Night. A big thankyou to Fr Peter for hosting us and to Ms Mealy and Mr Sunny for all their assistance with the liturgy. Make sure you watch all the way to the end - there's a special treat waiting for you. Christmas Concert This year our Christmas Concert is bigger and better than ever. Over 100 students, across all year groups have taken part. There is an eclectic mix of musical entertainment on offer - with something for everyone. You'll hear fantastic performances from a number of groups and individuals. Highlights include: The Steel Pan band The Y7 Rock band The Y10 Indie band Piano, violin and rock guitar soloists Our all female trio singing Jingle Bells Our string orchestra playing The First Noel Our school choir offering a rousing rendition of Christmas Is Coming If you know the lyrics - feel free to sing along at home!

  • Christmas letter from the Headteacher

    December 2020 Dear parent, As this term draws to a close, we reflect upon some of the remarkable things that have been achieved within our school community at a time of national restrictions. I want to thank you as parents for the unwavering support that you have shown us since returning to school in September. The messages that have been sent in and read out to staff have been deeply appreciated and have truly provided a source of inspiration to keep going and provide the best for your child. I want to also pay tribute to the outstanding work of colleagues at school this term. No matter what challenge have been put their way, or issues they have faced, they have risen to them and worked exceptionally hard to ensure that your child is kept safe and above all, that their education has continued. They have been truly remarkable and I am lucky to lead a team of highly dedicated and professional staff. Christmas Carol Service and Concert Whilst we were unable to invite you into school for our usual Carol Service and Concert, we still went ahead and produced one for you to watch. By the time of reading this, you should have received an email with direct links to both the Carol Service and the Concert - please take the time to watch this with your family members and see the wonderful efforts of the children who have performed. I want to particular thank Ms Wilkinson, Mr Bick, Ms Henry, Ms Mealy and Mr Sunny for the huge amount of effort that they have put into producing this for you as a Christmas gift. If for whatever reason you have not received the email, the videos are accessible on our website. Christmas Hampers Usually at Christmas, we invite 50 of our local senior citizen residents into the school for a Christmas dinner cooked at school and served by the students. Unfortunately, that is not possible at the moment, so we decided to bring some festive cheer into their homes. Students from across the school made hampers in their form groups to provide to our local community, and on Tuesday 15th December, these hampers were delivered to local residents accompanied by students singing Christmas Carols at a safe distance. This was extremely well received by our usual school guests with one commenting that it "brought a tear to her eye". Thank you to all students and parents who contributed to the hampers and particularly thank you to Ms Maguire and Ms Royce who led on the initiative and were assisted by Mr Sunny, Mr Forshaw, Mrs Shortiss and Mr Butler. Meal Vouchers Covid-19 has caused much hardship for so many families. In the last week, we have secured £3300 from Caritas to support families across our school community. This funding has been used to provide families with Sainsbury's vouchers to ease pressure some may be experiencing at this time. Families who have been in receipt of these vouchers have been incredibly grateful for the assistance, especially in the lead up to Christmas. We are wholeheartedly committed to supporting those within our school community who are struggling with financial pressures due to coronavirus. Once again the local authority is paying for vouchers to cover the holiday period for children eligible for Free School Meals. Parents will receive an email with a link to a Sainsbury’s voucher for £30 by the beginning of next week. For any queries on the FSM voucher scheme of if you are experiencing any financial concerns, please do not hesitate to contact over the holidays and we will do our upmost to support you. New Build Over the course of this half term work has been completed on installing a brand-new set of additional toilets into the school. Furthermore, refurbishment works to renovate the south block toilets will be complete on your child's return in January. Even more exciting is the fact that works will commence on January 4th of the new Music and Performing Arts building which is due to be completed by August 2021. In addition, works will also be carried out in the school to refurbish the current Art classrooms as well as create new Humanities classrooms. This is an exciting time for the school and all of these improvements will benefit your child in their time at All Saints. Francis Holland Scholarships I am delighted to inform you that five of our Year 11 students have been granted a fully funded two-year scholarship to the Francis Holland School in Regents Park. The students are Daggie Daniel, Eva Farrell, Zion Francis, Okite Ideh and Dea Meti. I would like to congratulate them all for attaining this fantastic and exclusive offer. Y7 Retreats Year 7s had time out of their normal school day to take part in a retreat led by our School Chaplain, Mr Sunny. The retreat allowed students to explore the theme of 'Community' and what it means to be a part of the All Saints Catholic Community. Within their Form Groups, Year 7s spent time truly getting to know each other, exploring different ideas of what makes a strong community. Year 7s thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to reflect on their own qualities which they wish to bring into our school, and look forward to the opportunity to do this again in Year 8. November Shoulder Day A group of Year 9 students, plus the entire Year 11 cohort, took part in targeted sessions during our first shoulder day of the Year. Year 11 began the day with a reflection to help them focus their energies on the year ahead, followed by bespoke sessions delivered by their English and Maths teachers. The English Department led the Year 9 in a 'Literacy Festival'. The students engaged in a reading programme designed to improve their literacy. They took part in team building activities, and the day saw the relaunch of the school Newspaper; year 9 are editing the first edition which will be made available in January. Reading Project Mr Forshaw and the English Department have been working with Year 9 students on our new reading project. The project aims to develop literacy skills, that will benefit students throughout the curriculum. The students attended sessions held each morning before school, where they were given breakfast whilst reading a range of academic texts with their teachers. Their attitude and engagement was enthusiastic throughout and Mr Forshaw looks forward to rolling out the project with a new cohort of students in the New Year. Most importantly, we have seen a huge improvement in the students’ reading and this will be of huge benefit to them as they progress through the school. Finally, I hope that you all have a very happy and Holy Christmas and get the opportunity to spend it with your loved ones. Yours sincerely, Mr A O’Neill Headteacher

  • Christmas Hampers

    One of the great highlights of the festive calendar at All Saints is the Senior Citizens Christmas party. Unfortunately we were unable to host that event this year due to Covid-19 and social distancing. But rather than be defeated, our staff and students decided to take the party to the people and headed out into the community to bring some festive cheer to those who need it the most. Every form in the school were asked to bring in donations and put together a Christmas hamper for an elderly or vulnerable member of our community. Our students rose to the challenge with enormous generosity. All sorts of items were donated, from sweets and biscuits, to books and magazines, and even hats, scarves and gloves. These items were then wrapped up and presented in beautiful homemade hampers, each containing a hand written card from the form group that had donated the items. We loaded up the minibus and set off into the community to distribute the goodies. But the fun didn't stop there, as our students donned their All Saints Christmas hats and treated the lucky recipients to an impromptu spot of carol singing. The hampers and the carols were warmly received, with many residents contacting the school to say a huge thankyou. One resident wrote: "What a surprise you gave me today. Carol singing at our door and a hamper! Such a lovely gesture brought me to tears. Thank you for 'Silent Night' and for your hard work. Thank you for really making my month." Huge thanks to students and parents for your your generous donations. To Ms Maguire and Ms Royce who led on the initiative and were assisted by Mr Sunny, Mr Forshaw, Mrs Shortiss and Mr Butler. This mini adventure reminded our students that Christmas is as much about giving as it is about receiving, an opportunity to to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves and perhaps more in need of support. The spirit of Christmas is alive and well at All Saints! Watch the video, made by our Chaplain, Mr Sunny.

  • School Re-opening - September 2020

    We are excited about welcoming students back to All Saints in September. As a school we have been busy formulating plans for a successful and safe return to school. Please see the attached letter from Mr O'Neill which outlines some of the key messages regarding this return and keeping safe from Covid-19.

  • - Online Free Counselling Support

    Dear All Saints, As we are coming towards the end of summer term, some of you may be worried about the holidays or what you might do without the structure of school. If you have any worries in the holidays and you feel you might need some support you can always sign up for free to Kooth is an online counselling, advice and emotional well-being support service for 11-15 year olds who live or go to school in the Tri-Borough. Kooth is a free, confidential and safe way to receive support online. You can access the service anonymously by signing onto the Kooth site. Available 12pm - 10pm on weekdays 6pm - 10pm at weekends Every day of the year on a drop in basis What can you do on the website? Confidential, 1-2-1 instant messaging with Kooth's team of qualifies counsellors. Kooth magazine - a full hub of creative pieces and personal experiences for peer to peer support. Kooth discussion forums to facilitate peer-led support and self help articles. And much, much more. An activities brochure is attached of things to do to improve your mood and well being if you are currently struggling. Take a look and remember that by registering with Kooth you will have extra support available to you know, throughout the summer and beyond if you are not coping. Learn more by visiting their website or watching this short video. God bless, All Saints

  • RBKC Support Payments For Families

    Dear Parents and Carers, If you live in Kensington and Chelsea and you need help due to an emergency or a crisis, you may be entitled to a Local Support Payment. Families who are struggling financially can make an application for additional support via the council’s local support scheme which has been extended to ensure that the council can help those who have been severely impacted by COVID-19 and need help to make ends meet. Applications can be made online: or by telephone 020 7745 6464. Families who are in urgent food need can either be referred or self-refer to the council’s COVID-19 hub. There are a number of options available for providing support depending on the individual circumstances of the family and this could include support from our local food banks. Referrals can be made via email: or via telephone: 020 7361 4326. If you do not qualify for a Local Supply Payment, RBKC have compiled a list of other help and advice services. God Bless, All Saints

  • Uniform 4 Kids

    Dear parents/carers, Our designated uniform provider, Uniform4Kids is now open for business on an appointment only basis. You will need to book online or over the telephone. They are offering a 10% discount throughout June and July on all online orders with a minimum value of £100, using the discount code UK410. Further details can be found on their website. Attached is our uniform list and a flyer from Uniform4Kids. God bless, All Saints

  • Year 7 Induction Day - CANCELLED

    Dear parents and carers, Due to current circumstances, our Year 7 Induction Day - originally scheduled for Wednesday 1st July has been cancelled. A letter from Headteacher Mr O'Neill is attached, detailing our revised plans and giving further information which you and your son/daughter might find useful. If you have any pressing issues or concerns please get in touch via email at We look forward to welcoming you to All Saints in September, God Bless, All Saints

  • All Saints 10,000km for The Grenfell Foundation

    The tragedy at Grenfell significantly affected our school community. We greatly appreciate the outstanding work The Grenfell Foundation does for the families and members of our community affected by the tragedy. You can read more about the charity via their website by clicking here. From this weekend, staff and students at All Saints will be running, walking and cycling to reach the combined total of 10,000km by the end of summer to raise money for The Grenfell Foundation. We will be logging and uploading our runs, walks and cycles onto Teams and cheering one another on towards our target! You can donate by visit our justgiving page here. Your donations will allow the foundation to continue to do its amazing and vital work. Please share this across your social media and if you know anyone that would like to donate to the fundraiser encourage them to head to our justgiving page and do exactly that. God Bless, All Saints

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